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5784 (2023-2024) Men's Club Upcoming Events

Click here for more information or to RSVP for the Annual Poker Tournament


Annual Men's Club Events

Fantasy Football: (September - January) The BAMC’s Annual Fantasy Football League is a huge hit! During the Football season, we will have Football nights and the Torophy award night. Cheer on for your teams. 


Annual Steak & Scotch  (October) An evening of kosher steak and sausage, fine scotch, poker, NFL football, and general Men’s Club revelry. This event takes place at Rabbi Kornberg's house. Space is limited - 50 person limit! Register early before your space is gone! .


Movember (November 1st start growing): This month-long event helps build awareness of men's health issues and raise funds to ensure that adequate research is conducted to combat the leading diseases afflicting men. As a community, we are committed to making a positive impact in our community and beyond. More information will follow on how to join the BAMC team and partake in the fundraising and planned activities. The Movember reveal will take place December 1st!


Football Night (December): You don't have to be a Fantasy league owner to enjoy hanging out with the boys to enjoy a night of football. More information will follow with date, time, cost and how to sign up!


World Wide Wrap (February 11th): Our Men's Club join the annual World Wide Wrap where millions of Jewish people around the world participate in the mitzvah of wrapping tefilin altogether. We have extra tefilin, and you do not need to be an expert to participate - we welcome beginners. Following the wrap we will provide the nosh! More information will follow.


Bowling Bonanza with Women's Circle (February): Get ready for another great evening with the Beth Am Women’s Circle and Men’s Club! Last year's joint event was so much fun, we're doing it again! This year, we’ll start out at the San Diego State Hillel for Havdallah, drinks and dinner. From there, it’s just a short walk to the Aztec Lanes for a few hours of friendly bowling competition with your fellow Men’s Club and Women’s Circle members! 


BAMC Annual Poker Tournament (April 16th): Beth Am Men's club hosts their annual Poker Tournament.  Players reaching the final table win some amazing prizes [prizes TBA at a closer date to the tournament].  All proceeds benefit the  BAMC Scholarship Fund which seeks to help our young adults deepen their Jewish experience through trips to Israel, Jewish summer camp, and the like. More information will follow.


BBQ and Brew (May): Please join us at our annual BAMC Beer & BBQ event. Always a fun event, this is a great day in the sun to share some BAMC homebrews, enjoy some BBQ, and schmooze with your fellow Beth Am’ers.  For those interested, we also host a Cornhole tournament. 


Tikkun Olam: BAMC actively engages volunteer experiences to help our community. For example, this past year, BAMC prepared food and hosted dinners at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center for those in need. 


Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784