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Women's Circle Upcoming Events 5784 (2024-2025)


Next Event...

Poker, Pizza & Pina Coladas

2nd Annual Poker, Pizza & Piña Coladas
Sunday, October 20th | 5:30 pm
Bring your poker face and go "all in" with Women's Circle, as we enjoy an exciting evening of Poker, Pizza, and Piña Coladas! We'll be playing "traditional" poker (5-card draw), with separate tables for beginning players and veterans so that everyone has a chance to learn and play at their level. Poker chips will be provided, with prizes awarded to the top three players with the most chips at the end of the evening. Read more or to RSVP click here.


3rd Tues. of the month | 9:00am
October 15th
November 19th *
*Rabbi Kornberg will be joining
December 17th
January 21st
February 18th
March 18th
April 15th *
*Rabbi Earne will be joining
May 20th
June 17th


5784 Past Events (2023-2024)

Mixed Media


Bowling Bonanza


Mitzvah Day with our JLC Families


Hanukkah Party 2023

Poker, Pizza & Pina Coladas


5783 Past Events (2022-2023)

Rosh Hodesh with Rachel Selk on Wednesday, May 17th



Havdallah and more with Men's Club


Chocolate Tasting with Alan Saporta

Past Event: Train Your Brain


Women's Circle: Hanukkah Pre-Party

Women's Circle Keep A Breast


Maggie Anton

Rosh Hodesh with Rachel Selk

Beach Party at Powerhouse Park

5782 Past Events (2021-2022)


Our next event: Sunday Funday on Sunday, March 13th



Cardiovascular Health & Women

Click on the banner to view the recorded Zoom event and slide presentation.


Post Hanukkah Party


Pre-holiday Oasis of Calm: A Relaxing Evening of Yoga, Meditation and Art


Sip'N Nosh with Rabbi Earne


Fri, October 4 2024 2 Tishrei 5785